Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy Statement on Recruitment and Employment Related Data

Hong Kong Housing Society (“HKHS”) respects personal data privacy and strives to ensure compliance by our staff with the highest security and confidentiality standards. This Privacy Policy is governed by and observes the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) in Hong Kong (the "Ordinance"), which sets out how we may collect, use and disclose your personal information.

  1. HKHS collects by fair and lawful means, holds and uses personal data relating to its employment applicants, employees, ex-employees and/or their dependents for various employment related purposes (“the said purposes”).     

Examples of the said purposes include:

  • processing of employment applications;
  • salary and benefits review and administration;
  • consideration for promotion, training, secondment, transfer, career development or manpower planning purposes;
  • conducting employment reference;
  • review of human resources policies and practices;
  • activities in compliance with various Ordinance and legislative requirements;
  • other related purposes.
  1. Data required and collected by HKHS from its employment applicants and employees from time to time are necessary for the said purposes.  Therefore, failure to supply the data will result in HKHS being unable to fulfill the said purposes.
  1. Data collected and held by HKHS for the said purposes will be treated in strict confidence.  However, personal data may be transferred or disclosed, when necessary, to:
  • any agent, contractor, consultant and third party service provider in Hong Kong or elsewhere who provide services to HKHS in connection with the operations or business of HKHS, or owe a duty of confidentiality to HKHS, e.g. external auditors, medical practitioners, trustees, benefits administrators, insurance companies;
  • relevant Government departments/appropriate authorities as required by law, e.g. Inland Revenue Department, Labour Department;
  • such other persons, firms or companies the disclosure to whom is consented to by the data subject or required by law or court order.
  1. Retention Policy:
  • Personal data of successful applicants collected during the recruitment process will become part of their personnel records and will be used for employment purposes.
  • If application is unsuccessful,  your personal data will be retained by HKHS for a period of no more than 24 months counting from the latest of the date of ending of the relevant recruitment process or the date on which last provided HKHS with your personal data.  When there are relevant vacancies within HKHS during that period, we may transfer selected applications to the relevant department for consideration of employment. HKHS take steps to ensure that your personal data is disposed of securely.
  1. Under the Ordinance, you have the right to access to your personal data held by HKHS and to request correction of the data. 

Should you have any queries regarding this Privacy Policy or wish to access or correct your personal data, you may send the request in writing to Human Resources Section.  A reasonable fee may be charged for the processing of any data access or correction request.

Address:    Hong Kong Housing Society

8/F, 1063 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

  1. HKHS reserves the right to amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time.




  1. 房協就各類與僱傭項目相關的目的(以下簡稱「所述目的」)以合法及公平的方式收集,並持有、使用各申請職位人士、現職或已離職員工及/或其親屬的資料。


  • 處理職位申請;
  • 檢討及管理薪酬、福利;
  • 考慮有關升職、培訓、調用、調職、事業發展或人力規劃事宜;
  • 證明/查核任職記錄;
  • 檢討人力資源政策及執行細則;
  • 因遵守各項條例及法例要求而進行的工作;
  • 其他與上述例子有關的目的。
  1. 房協將按「所述目的」之需要,不時向各申請職位人士及員工收集資料;若未能向房協提供有關資料,將會導致房協無法完成「所述目的」。
  1. 房協將就「所述目的」所收集及持有的資料保密,但於需要時,亦會將個人資料轉移或提供予:
  • 任何代理人、承包商、顧問公司、在本港或海外提供與房協運作或業務相關的服務供應人,或任何對房協有保密責任的人士,例如稽核人員、醫務人員、信託公司、福利管理人、保險公司等;
  • 法例要求下的有關政府部門/管理機構,例如稅務局、勞工署;
  • 資料當事人同意或有關法例/法院要求下的相關人士、公司及機構。
  1. 資料保留政策:
  • 在招聘過程中所收集之個人資料,將於求職者成功獲聘後用作其人事記錄及僱傭用途。
  • 凡未予錄用者,房協將保留閣下的個人資料不超過24個月(由相關招聘過程結束之日期或閣下向房協提交個人資料之日期計算)。期間房協如有職位空缺,我們或會將有關資料轉交相關部門以作考慮。房協將採取措施確保在良好保安情況下處理閣下的個人資料。
  1. 根據私隱條例規定,閣下有權查閱及要求更正房協持有有關閣下的個人資料。




  1. 房協保留權利不時修改或更新此私隱政策